نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی
One of most sensitive relationships in the Middle East is that between Turkey and Iraq. Crucial in Turkey’s relationship with Iraq is its view of Iraqi Kurdistan. This article studies the development of the Turkish foreign policy towards Iraqi Central and Kurdistan Regional Government ( KRG) in 2005-2015. The article analyzes several dimensions of Turkey’s foreign policy towards Iraqi Central Government and KRG. Many observers have stressed on contradictory nature of Turkey’s foreign policy towards Iraq in post-2003 era. So the main question of this article is why there has not been a coherent approach in Turkish foreign policy towards central government of Baghdad and regional government of Erbil in 2005-2015? The answer of the article as its hypothesis is failing nature of Iraq central government and the vast oil resources in Kurdistan region have encouraged a pragmatic and ups and down relations between Ankara, Baghdad and Erbil in 2005-2015 which could be characterized by deep contradictories in economic and security goals. The article shows that Ankara increasing relations with KRG is a reflection of Turkish limits of influence in Iraq and in the region as a whole.
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